Endless Yarning wasn’t always it’s name. This corner of the internet went through several titles, from The Aus. Library to Endless Pages. It was a book blog, then it was a place for discussion and then it was a place that published film reviews. Endless Yarning has had many faces since it’s conception back in 2014. But it has always had the one mind behind it all, Vika Mana, who couldn’t have gone so far without the help of co-bloggers and supporters from every corner of the world.

endless yarning is evolving again.

After years of reading, Vika Mana has now decided to share her stories and now has several works out in the world. She’s been published in The Saturday Paper, Overland, The Big Issue, Djed Press, along with some other great magazines, journals and websites. She’s been programmed in The Sydney Writers Festival, Hold Up for La Boite, Ctrl + Alt + Del by Conscious Mic, Imagining Abolition held by Sister’s Inside, The National Young Writers Festival, The Queensland Poetry Festival and several other amazing events, festivals and circuits. In 2019, Vika Mana was shortlisted for the Overland Writing Residency. In the same year they had won a position in The Next Chapter Scheme, worth $150,000, with a 12 month mentorship, given and facilitated by the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne. In 2020, their poem, “Say My Name” was published in the Indigenous Poetry Anthology, Fire Front, edited by Alison Whittaker and published by UQP. Additionally, in the same year, they made their rapping debut with the FAMILI collective. Vika is a all round storyteller who transcends the titles of poet, writer, artist and rapper. They are more than what you may think; all that and a contagious smile.

As a result of this journey, Endless Yarning will be a place where you’ll be able to hire Meleika for her services and performances, or read her thoughts and rambles about the latest book, film or anything else she’s consumed. Endless Yarning will also be the one stop shop to see her latest work, where you can see them next and what the month will hold for them. We hope you enjoy the change. It was needed.
With Kindness,
endless yarning